Happy Red Dead Birthday To You
Red Dead Redemption 2 which was released the prior month,
Red Dead Online Beta now gave players an opportunity to live out their own lives in the wild west.
After falling in love with the real life environment and historical atmosphere, participating in the epic adventures of the Van der Linde gang, my excitement was almost uncontainable to be able to finally create my own avatar and live my life like it was a western.
Now as we a reach that date, 2 whole years later I want to wish a huge
Thats right, this date is YOUR birthday,
the day YOU were born in the wild wild West.
You've seen the ups and the downs.
The disconnects and the animal-less hunting grounds.
You’ve even seen the circus pull up on Rockstar with the emergence of the Red Dead Clowns.
And if you're anything like me, the fact that 2 whole years have passed and your PS5 tells you your total game playing hours for Red Dead Redemption 2 is over 2700 hours,

you’ll definitely be wondering where all that time went.
Well I have the answer, even though it sounds clique and just a bit old fashioned, but….
time flies when you're having fun.
You were having fun,
and again, if you’re like me, You’re still having fun.

Keep in mind YOU are supposed to be having fun.
In an article retweeted by @RockstarGames written by @GamesRadar interviewed World and Content Design Director at Rockstar North,
Scott Butchard, who opened up about how he enjoyed his own Red Dead Online playing experience.
Red Dead Online’s diverse environment is a true work of art with some of the best graphics I’ve seen to date.
2 years down the track and I'm still captivated by a blade of grass blowing in the wind.
Not only am I captivated by the game,
I am captivated by what the game inspires.
So many talented photographers and digital media content creators that keep me enthralled with their works of art via social media.
Totally amazing artists!
On that note,
With so many talented artists amongst us my hope is to include content from the community.
Over the next couple of weeks I’m hoping to gather digital media from artists who wish to be part of The Red Dead Online Birthday feature.
Im looking for photos, with editing or without, all of your best memories and moments over the past 2 years playing the game of the century,
Red Dead Online.
It might be the first photo you ever took

The first outfit you ever wore
Your favourite weapon

A funny posse shot or even a grand event.

Anything that really shows off your experiences in this exceptional game.

To make it easier for me to know who wants to participate
all I ask is that you tag
to the content you wish to be featured.
I am totally looking forward to seeing all your awesome work and sharing your moments with you.
any content I share will be rightfully credited.
Remember, ALL artists welcome, this feature is for EVERYONE.

Red Dead Birthday Stream
Join me live on a birthday adventure through
the Red Dead Online
story on twitch.
Starting 1pm Friday, 27th November, Sydney time (+11 hours)
watch me and my posse embark on a journey through the
Land of Opportunities
Over a 4 day period until Monday 30th Sydney time (+11 hours)
we will make a complete run through of all Red Dead online story missions, including some game play from the PS5.
Thank you for being around to share my journey with.
Cant wait to stream with you guys and chat about all the things you have loved about this game over the last 2 years.