Coming this September Red Dead Online players wil be given the chance to participate in a live Twitch stream hosted by MissCandyLicious.

As of this moment, MissCandyLicious and the SweetAs Gang are looking for Red Dead Online recruits to join them live on Twitch, to posse up and stake their claim amongst the Wild West to maximise their gold and money making potential and most of all to have a hell of a lot of fun doing it.

Their are no game rank requirements, new players and veteran players alike are welcome to join the community meet ups now labeled ‘Sweet Meets’.
Stream candidates do, however, have to:
•play on PS4 or PS5
•be over 18
•have a good quality microphone
•own Red Dead online
•Current PSPlus membership

All candidates must be following MissCandyLicious on Twitch and have been active in the Twitch chat several times within the previous month.

In addition each recruit must be willing to join the MissCandyLicious discord server and be active in chat discussions, questionnaires, polls ect to provide information to cater more appropriately to recruits needs.
At least a month of activity is required in the discord to be considered for the Live Twitch SweetMeets events.

Event Info
Live events will be structured to cater to individual roles and objectives, plus timezones to ensure all recruits get the maximum enjoyment out of there western stream experience.
Events will include:
• Crimes and Opportunities meets
• Bounty Hunter meets
• Trader meets
• Collector meets
• Moonshiner Meets
• Naturalist meets
Prior to online streams each recruit must be involved with at least one offline meet up within the month leading up to the event.

Becoming a SweetAs gang, SweetMeets recruit you must adhere to the gang motto and always Keep it sweet, meaning one swears to be mindful of all other recruits and vow not to cause any sour situations in anyway for anyone involved.
SweetMeets are a community based event designed to bring players together to showcase the amazing open world of Red dead Online.
If you feel like you would make a great recruit be sure to follow the above steps to be part of a RedDead family event .

I'm looking forward to this!