With the upcoming Red Dead Online summer update, Blood-money, not only will we be introduced to Guido Martelli to undertake crimes of high stakes working for Angelo Bronte, we will also see the introduction of the Quick Draw Club and club rewards.
The Quick Draw club offers 4 ‘rapid-fire’ back to back rewards passes of 25 Ranks to be completed in the specified time period.
Bandits who complete of all Quick Draw passes will be rewarded with the upcoming Halloween Pass No.2 for absolutely free.

Rewards July 13th - August 9th

Redcliff Outfit

Rushwood shirt

Whitchurch Cattleman Revolver Variant

Rewards August 10th - September 6th

Rowberro Outfit

Haverhil Hat

Cartridge Wraps

Rewards September 7th - October 4th

Beadnell Sight

Bagshot knife

Layhorn Jacket

Galleywood Hand Wraps

Rewards October 5th - October 27th

Ibarra Mauser Pistol Variant

Huntingdock Coat

Forester Poncho

Dunster Outfit

Keep an eye on this website for more detailed, in game photo and videos coming soon.
